Principal Investigators
Dr. Joseph A. Kim
After receiving his PhD in Experimental Psychology (McMaster University), Dr. Joe Kim completed a post-doctoral fellowship at University of California San Francisco, and is Associate Professor in Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour. As a Teaching Professor, Dr. Kim is actively involved in all aspects of the scholarship of teaching and learning. He co-ordinates the innovative McMaster Introductory Psychology program (MacIntroPsych) which combines traditional lectures with interactive on-line resources and small group tutorials. The program has been prominently featured in Maclean's, Globe and Mail and Toronto Star. In 2010, Dr. Kim received the Innovator of the Year Award (McMaster VPR) and also lead his development team to receive the 2010 President's Award for Excellence in Course and Resource Design. With an active interest in curriculum and education, Dr. Kim consults on several policy groups including the Council of Ontario Universities Online Workgroup and the Innovation and Productivity Roundtable for the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. Follow him on Twitter @ProfJoeKim
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Dr. Faria Sana
Dr. Faria Sana received her PhD in Cognitive Psychology (McMaster University), and completed an Izaak Walton Killam Fellowship at University of Alberta. She is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at Athabasca University, and an Adjunct Professor in Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour at McMaster. Dr. Sana translates basic research in memory and attention into applied educational contexts to promote durable and efficient student learning. Such contexts include using educationally-relevant materials to enhance learning in classrooms, among students with lower cognitive aptitude, through multimedia instruction, via illustrative examples and through problem solving. Her research program is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and has garnered widespread media attention (e.g., CBC, BBC, The New York Times) and major policy changes (e.g., on laptop usage in schools and universities) around the world. Dr. Sana works closely with academics and educators to bridge the gap between research and practice, and ensure that findings from cognitive science are disseminated and applied appropriately. Follow her on Twitter @ProfFariaSana
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Postdoctoral Fellows
Ellen MacLellan
Undergraduate Students
Meera Sharma
Ezza Jalil
Henrietta Dekker
Allen Kim
Jovana Radakovic
Peter Ho
Tamara Dubljevic